The LDAP Based Authentication Manager allows you to authenticate the users against an ldap server.
You will need to configure the BasicLdapStoreConfig Bean whose options are:
storeURL : Ldap URL.
userName: can be the name of an admin DN or DN with search permissions.
userPassword: password of the userName configured.
factoryName: Fully Qualified Class Name of the JNDI Factory
securityAuthentication: Optionally set the Security Authentication. Defaults to "simple".
securityProtocol: Optionally set the Security Protocol such as "ssl".
Additionally, this authentication manager takes just one option:
userDN which can be of the form "uid=CHANGE_USER,ou=People,dc=jboss,dc=org". This authentication manager will then substitute the keyword "CHANGE_USER" with the username we are authenticating against.
The quickstart is called simple-ldap-auth